Two Christian doctrines run through every life question. What people believe impacts how they think. Why are humans at war?

Two Christian doctrines run through every life question. What people believe impacts how they think. Why are humans at war?
My job is not to make students learn . . . . . . but to entice them to learn.
Everyone puts their faith in something. Professors are no different. Students should be taught how to wrestle with ideas. That’s
Respecting university work . . . . . . Shows respect for the subject, the professor, and God-given intellect. There
Sensitivity in words shows sensitivity toward people. My friend and brother, Dr. Dave Deuel, Senior Research Fellow – Policy and Publishing
Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website), spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute
“So many are so depressed!” A remark from a student tutor created a discussion about why college students may be
How it all began. The Practice of Faith-Learning Integration A frantic phone call. A quick visit at my door.
“The only way we can judge if someone’s feelings are hurt is if absolutes of right and wrong show why
How do you “self identify”? See Campus Episodes (Part One) here. Episode #1 “Social media is an illusion where people