Christmas cards may promote myths, but Christmas is no fiction. Jesus’ birth had more in common with Law and Order® than Hallmark

Christmas cards may promote myths, but Christmas is no fiction. Jesus’ birth had more in common with Law and Order® than Hallmark
75% of Christian students may leave The Church after attending public university. The answer? Personal, spiritual investment on campus with
Confession IS Thanksgiving. Biblical Thanksgiving is a Declaration of God’s Greatness. On Moody Radio last fall I said . .
Woody Allen agrees with Solomon. Fantasy is no substitute for reality. “What satisfies?” is a question all people ask. Watch
What is the source of your goodness? Can you have fruit without a root? People want what is “good” without
The natural world depends on the . . . Horrific stories remind us we are not alone. Watch our two
What will WE do? “Help” is the best four-letter word. Living in a world of trauma, we see need all
I am not, “basically good.” Cain is in us all. Our problems are not “out there” or “with them” but
Stuck in a mountain snow storm? Who you gonna’ believe? Given a choice between a human instinct and divine revelation,
There is no fence to sit on. There are only two options. Watch our two minute video (full text below).