
Where did everything come from?

Look to the Owner of the forest hut.

Francis Schaeffer’s famed story explains a Christian view of origins.

Watch our Truth in Two to find out (full text below).


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Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat


Francis Schaeffer tells this story. Imagine you become lost hiking through a forest. You’re relieved to come upon a hut in a clearing. A light shines from the window, and smoke curls from the chimney. You knock. No answer. You call. No voice replies. You go to the window to look in. What a relief! You see a fire burning, stew bubbling in a kettle. The table is set for supper. A freshly baked pie sits in the center.  What do you know from your observations? You know that someone lives in this hut. Someone had to have built the fire, put water in the kettle, set the table, and baked the pie. You deduce that the person will come back soon to eat the supper he’s prepared. You are not alone in the forest.

“God” is the owner of the forest hut. He is introduced in the first verse of the Bible. No argument is made, no evidence compiled, no defense given. Genesis begins with what theologians call a presupposition. Everyone begins with what we presume, what we believe to be true. Philosophers would refer to Genesis 1:1 as a statement of origins. What is real? Where did we come from? Why are we here? These are basic origin questions. But Genesis makes a simple statement: “God is.  Everything else follows.”

Just look around. Everything that is, is dependent upon One who already Is. Order—necessary for every form of authority, boundary, and definition—comes from Outside of us. Logic—upon which lawyers make cases, teachers create lessons, and guides our travel by GPS—is given by Another. Energy—which powers our solar system, our industries, and our bodies—is impossible to define apart from One who made it. If you are lost in the forest, look to the Owner of the hut.

For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, President of the Comenius Institute, personally seeking Truth wherever it’s found.

[Reshot for green screen, this Truth in Two was originally published here: ]