For politicians, medical personnel, and teachers; and, for all our needs for presence & security. Written prayers during the pandemic since mid-March, 2020.
Dear Lord. Bless all those in authority as we come alongside them in our prayers. We recognize the primary importance of petitioning before You in Heaven for those You have given a charge on earth.
We make this supplication for needs deeply felt during our time of crisis, knowing our dependence is in You. We ask that our leaders be swayed by Your Spirit as He convinces them to act with righteousness. We also make this prayer to You for needs always with us, for administering equitable justice. We ask that our leaders be reminded of their burden for benevolent protection of the whole populace. We further make this urgent pleading on behalf of others before Your throne. We ask that our leaders be receptive to bold appeals for those in their care, knowing they need Your guidance as they guide the citizenry. We moreover make an offering of praise, grateful for Your Providential superintendence over institutions and individuals. We ask that our leaders be driven to a spirit of gratitude to You, for their station, on behalf of the civilians they serve.
May we remember our responsibilities before all those in authority. As the first century believers were to pray for even megalomaniac Roman tyrants, so we, who live in relative peace and security, have no excuse but to thank You for government officials who represent us now. We bear responsibility for intercession with respectful dignity, not antagonistic opposition. We bear responsibility for prayer with virtuous civility, not undignified displeasure. We bear responsibility for prayer that offers inner and outer tranquility, not relentless agitation. We offer these entreaties because it is good to do so, knowing it pleases You for us to pray for those who lead us. In the name of Your Son, we beseech You. Amen.
[A prayer based on the intention and interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:1-3.]
Dear Lord. When we think about the future on earth we think of our children and grandchildren. But those of us who are teachers consider our pupils to be our “children,” the future of who and what will come after us. We love our students and our subjects both. Our deep commitment to the humanities or sciences, whichever is our bent, our God-given giftedness, is what we desire to pass on to those who follow us. Our view of students will not change, no matter our situation.
Lord You have given us an opportunity to show the rest of the world what we teachers do every day: to shift and move, no matter the climate of the class. We redirect discussions, answer questions that have nothing to do with what we’re teaching, rethink in seconds how to solve a problem, and analyze emotional circumstances that rival the work of psychologists.
And yet, Lord, we can move in those different directions, retaining our original mission because of the mindset You have instilled in us. Help us then, Lord, to maintain the core of our curricular commitments while transitioning to yet another interruption in our day. We are used to disruptions Lord; help us to navigate our present circumstance for the benefit of our students.
May we learn to transfer the fervor we have for our studies in class-time to face-time. May our communication on a screen be no different than it has been in person. May the discipline we have to organize our time in one place transition easily to another place. And may the love You have given us for learning be now transmitted through our teaching to that generation of young people who are our children, the future, the hope of the next generation. We thank You for our present opportunities, amid complexities, in the name of Your Son. Amen.

Dear Lord. Bless those who serve Your image-bearers, servants of bodies You have created. As they serve those bodies, protect theirs Lord. Go before, behind, and surround them with Your angelic host to guard their bodily safety. And for those bodies unseen, undetectable by human eyes, pathogens under microscopes which seek our destruction by their very skewed nature, cordon off alien bodies from doctors and nurses. Show Yourself strong and prevailing against hosts seeking the destruction of those who serve others. We request our prayer be heard, Lord, not as a matter of course, not in the usual way, but in these days of travail, we require Your immediate and ongoing intervention. In the name of Your Son, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for PRESENCE
Dear Lord. Since You have made us in Your image we realize when we don’t see others, we miss seeing You. Lord, we live in the days of Zoom, YouTube, Skype, and Vimeo but it’s just not the same. You made us for PRESENCE, for physical connection; for You made us with 5 senses, touch included. Being distant from each other, even on screens – especially on screens – we know that flickering images are just a tease. We see but can’t hug. We have eye contact but can’t hold hands in prayer. We hear a voice but cannot feel the breath of presence. We miss it Lord. We are thankful for our homes, the many amenities which are ours in this day, in this place; we are not ungrateful people. But we realize we have taken for granted Your Presence, since, when we see others, we see Your image. So as we wait to return to our families, our jobs, our daily lives, may we remember Your presence with us when we cannot see the presence of Your image in others, we know You are still Yahweh Shammah, The Lord, The Covenant God, Who is Ever-Present. Amen.
[See Genesis 28:15; Ezekiel 48:35; Psalm 23:4; 46:1; 139:7-12; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Revelation 21:3]
A Prayer for Security
Dear Lord. Life is upended. “Cancelled” is everywhere. Plans are scrapped. Calendars mean nothing. Comforts have evaporated. Jobs have ceased. Stores are shuttered. News is awful. Abnormal replaced normal.
We struggle with questions: “What’s next?” “Will I get my job back?” “What kind of future will I have?” “What happens if I have to start over?” “Will I go bankrupt?” “Will I have enough money to live?”
Uncertainty has replaced “guaranteed.” We are full of doubt. It is hard for us to make decisions. We hesitate to give answers. Holding our emotional breath, part of us wonders if we will ever breathe again.
Tears form in our eyes for no apparent reason. We sit starring off into space without thought. We are tired when we haven’t worked. When we think of all the things we could do, we watch Netflix instead.
Lord, as we have been ordered to withdraw from others may we draw closer to You. Might we find solace in You, The One who is from everlasting to everlasting. Remind us that You know our beginning and our end. Our reliance in the future is our reliance in You who knows the future. Renew our commitment to “hope,” knowing we cannot live one second without it.
Hear us in our insecurity, Lord. Help us to help. Lift us as we lift others. Renew our spirits as we comfort the spirits of those around. And may we dwell more on Your Name, than our own name. Amen.
An occasional writing from Mark Eckel over the past month on social media.