Looper allows us to ask the questions we humans have been asking for all time. What good would it do
Stories: This World and Another
Robert Coles is one person for whom I have tagged the phrase, “he circles The Truth and every once in
Who’s Who: The Importance of Jesus’ Genealogy (Part 3)
We can never know about the days to come But we think about them anyway, And I wonder if I’m
Family Matters. The Importance of Jesus’ Genealogy (Part 2)
Jesus is a Blue Blood. Daveed meleck Yishra-ale: Chai, chai, vek-High-yam. When I studied in Israel during the winter of
Who’s Your Daddy?! The Importance of Jesus’ Genealogy (Part 1)
“Where we come from impacts who we are” They were surprised when I gave them their weekend assignment. “I
“What Box?!” An Essay on Ideas, Writing, and Teaching
I’m not sure who has the box, built the box, opened the box, but I have never seen “the box.”
The Children are Home
A Moment Remembered Dusted with snow, we moved back toward the car. I was telling him about my memories of
Multitasking Leads to Narrative Deprivation
She was looking down, a smile on her face, hands beneath the desk where she sat. “You know,” I rehearsed
Financial Rape (Alysa McManus)
“Thus says the Lord: Do justice and righteousness,and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed.”
If you voted for…
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all (Romans 12.18) My friends include a wide