Why is this picture so important? Watch our Truth in Two to find out (and don’t miss the afterword and

Why is this picture so important? Watch our Truth in Two to find out (and don’t miss the afterword and
As a kid, I hated it. I still do. Watch our Truth in Two to find out why waiting is
Charles Wesley was right. Jesus was long expected both times. Why do I say that? Watch our Truth in Two
If you give thanks for one thing, make it this: Watch our Truth in Two to find out why (full
Thank a veteran on Veteran’s Day. Watch our Truth in Two (full text below). Subscribe to MarkEckel.com (here). Find
Why would the powerful want to placate the population? Watch our Truth in Two to find out why (full text
Halloween dress up should really mean “Come as you are.” Why do I say that? Watch our Truth in Two
Labeling people by what you think they fear . . . . . . is nothing more than labeling people.
Membership is demanded in the church of toleration. Excommunication awaits those who don’t believe. Find out why worship is not
Christian Truth is not a veneer. We believe in the real thing. Find out why right doctrine combats wrong heresy;