
Everyone should be heard.

Listen to people on their turf, in their voice.

Our Truth in Two explains why (full text below).

Intention: a purposeful, planned approach to living with others.


Subscribe to “Truth in Two” videos from Comenius (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), teaching at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video). Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here).

Picture Credit: Luke Renoe, Snappy Goat



Intentional means to be purposeful. Intention means making a deliberate attempt to hear others, folks who may have a different point of view, from your point of view. Participate with those who face injustice. You may not agree with everything they say, and they may not agree with everything you say. But if you don’t listen to others, they will not listen to you.

Intentional also means to plan. On behalf of the Comenius Institute, I have spent a lot of time with folks who do not look like me or believe what we believe. I have worked in both Christian and unbelieving contexts, in both Christian and public university settings. Recently I joined The Heterodox Academy. A very diverse set of professors have come together to say, “Diversity should include viewpoints; everyone should be heard.”

I have spent hours listening to what others say. For over four years the Comenius Institute has had a radio show. We have over 200 episodes archived if you would like to listen in. From the beginning of our radio show in February, 2016, it was a Comenius intention to spend time with others. I have spent time with individuals, groups, non-profits, and churches whose perspectives are different than that of the Comenius Institute.

Over the past decade I have logged many miles to see and hear other points of view, on their turf, in their voice, without my point of view being made known. My online reading and bookshelves are full of writings from those with whom I may disagree. But that is the purpose of intention: a purposeful, planned approach to living with others.

For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, President of the Comenius Institute, personally seeking truth wherever it’s found.