I once danced in Jerusalem.
Someday, I will do so again.
Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew, makes dancing before The King, possible.
Do you wish to dance for joy? Watch our two minute video (full text below).
Dancing with Jesus is only possible if Jesus is The King the wise men sought.
Blessings on The Holiday, from all of us at The Comenius Institute.
Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here). Subscribe to “Truth in Two” videos from Comenius (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), hosts a weekly radio program with diverse groups of guests (1 minute video), and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video).
Picture Credit: Snappy Goat
Daveed meleck Yishra-ale: Chai, chai, vek-High-yam. When I studied in Israel during the winter of 1979-80 we went to the YMCA after sunset on Sabbath. There, with a good number of other twenty-somethings, we danced to traditional, Israeli folk songs. “David king of Israel, He is living, His is existing” is the translation of the lyric. Still today, traditional Jews sing of David’s kingship.
History is important. Kingship is important. David is important.
“Blue bloods” use genealogical records to snobbishly taut their ancestral status. Jesus’ genealogy is not simply some tribal triumph—another poser in a world full of them. Tracing the genealogical record is necessary for one reason—legitimacy. Legitimacy is born of paternity which is bred of genealogy.
Fatherhood matters. Family matters. Jesus matters. Matthew’s genealogy matters.
Here are some reasons Jesus’ genealogy matters:
- Herod the Great was always despised by the pure-blooded Jews because he was half an Edomite. Herod had the official genealogies destroyed so that no one could prove he was an illegitimate king. Before we learn about Herod in Matthew 2, Matthew 1 proves Jesus IS THE legitimate King.
- Often ancient biographers would begin with a famous person’s lineage to wrap their subject in tribute. Hebrew genealogies were legal documents. One had to prove social or political standing. Jesus’ genealogy proves he is the promised King of the Jews.
- To the Hebrews, David is king of Israel: Daveed melek Yishrael. This kingship includes his son. And Jesus is David’s son. “Son of” suggests hope of another generation yet to come: His Name is Jesus.
Someday, I and other believers will dance again, this time, to new words: Hey-seus melek Yishrael, Jesus is King of Israel.
For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel. For all of us at the Comenius Institute, we wish you and your family a blessed season, celebrating Jesus’ birth.