Everyone should know about Thomas Sowell. No one can properly respond to any idea until they have read Thomas Sowell.

Everyone should know about Thomas Sowell. No one can properly respond to any idea until they have read Thomas Sowell.
An Occasional Series on Philosophy from Dr. Mark Boone YouTube’s Teacher of Philosophy (here) Phileos + Sophia = philosophia, the
Really? Seriously? It was like that?! Jesus’ birth is NOTHING like a Christmas card! Watch our two minute video (full
Woody Allen agrees with Solomon. Fantasy is no substitute for reality. “What satisfies?” is a question all people ask. Watch
Psychology in Film: Pain and Promise, Presented in St. Louis, November 18. (2 hours)
My website looks like my library: my interests vary from Gothic horror to film noir to biblical exegesis to educational
Knowledge is not created. Knowledge is discovered. In The Island of Lost Maps Miles Harvey asks “why the sense of
The 300. Spartans. Thermopylae. For those who know anything of Western history the Grecian battle against the Persian hordes is
The story is told by Charles Hodge, famous 19th century theologian, of the most popular professor at Princeton in his
Once a year, like clockwork, some student in a new class would utter the infamous, vacuous, student complaint against school