For politicians, medical personnel, and teachers; and, for all our needs for presence & security. Written prayers during the pandemic

For politicians, medical personnel, and teachers; and, for all our needs for presence & security. Written prayers during the pandemic
Creeping luminous Over treetops Pushing darkness Across timezone. Blossoming colors From spheres Marshalling troops Of light. Speaking words By palettes
May I remember Who made me, and for Whom I was made. May I be submissive to The Word, applying
Horizon ablaze Fire rising Creates pink Candied cotton Hanging low Clouds reflect Morning glory Faithful Creator, Says Peter, Day announced.
Change[1] Double-take; Fire on woods’ edge? No; Yellow, orange leaves Rippling in the wind; Seasonal, Creational Change fools my mind.
The Ash Three fell this summer In a storm Broken Trunks sliced Off at ground level Their life still in
You, Oh Lord, have given us the responsibility of managing your creation. In this we take great delight. However, because
It is hard, O Lord, to go from battle to battle, to engage the enemy in my own ranks, to
Dear Lord, we purpose Gratefulness for our opportunities Appreciation for our giftedness Precision in our reading Accuracy in our writing