“Why do I hafta go to school? Book learning won’t help me in the real world. Who needs to
Category: Educational-Teachable
If someone asks me how I hope to change the world I tell them I read books. It may come
“Student” as Vocation
Lt. General James N. Mattis, USMC, commander in the battle for Fallujah, November, 2004, raised the ire of the news
God’s Language is Math
“I’m not a math person.” For years this had been my response to any question involving numbers, equations, or solutions.
Selling the School: A Christian Response to the Consumer Education Model
“What are you producing?” This question is often asked by Christian school boards that are often managed by business people.

The Graveyard Schools the Schoolyard: Contemplation of Death for Education in Life
History records that King Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, charged one of his slaves with a unique
Have you ever seen the “want to get away?” Southwest Airline commercials on television during Sunday afternoon football?
Elementary Principles: Problems with Process as Priority
Recently I listened to an exceptional Christian school teacher begin a class by reading the opening paragraphs of the Quran
Two young students discussed with me the importance of watching movies from a Christian point of view. After much dialogue,
Educational-Apologetic Interview
One of my former students, Brian Auten, is a journalistic-apologist living in Ireland. Brian’s website is www.apologetics315.com He interviewed me