They never saw it coming. I was teaching my first class at Moody Bible Institute. I handed out the syllabus.

They never saw it coming. I was teaching my first class at Moody Bible Institute. I handed out the syllabus.
It was the first question they asked. The class of church planters who asked about fatherhood, praying for me. “You’ve
“Humor plays close to the white hot fire of truth.” E. B. White “Our laughter contains the hope of redemption.”
“No. No. No. No.” Every question I asked received the same response. She had been studying psychology, specifically, the theories
“I feel the pressure all the time.” Comenius students and I sat around the table talking. Our topics of conversation
The discussion was anything but typical. Cytotechnology. Forensic linguistics. Finite math. I had to ask her if she would type
God’s world seen through the lens of God’s Word. Liberal Arts for the Christian Life is a vision-setting festschrift for
The Joy of Teaching “We are so glad you are teaching here this year,” the mothers said in unison. In
He dropped the mic. Charlie Mitchell was called “The Prez” during our class. His comments were always thoughtful, intellectually stimulating,
“Why does my son have to learn such hard words?” It is customary to begin a school year with an