International Day of Persons with Disabilities: The United Nations, 3 December 2019. We celebrate the fact that all peoples everywhere

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: The United Nations, 3 December 2019. We celebrate the fact that all peoples everywhere
The Love Molecule Created in us to care for others. Why would I lay down my life for my son
Intimidation. Bullying. Fundamentalism. They are all attempts to shame another. The problem with bullies is their own sense of inadequacy.
Authority is held in an open hand. Power is a clenched fist. We all live by authority structures, like it
A person really knows how to live . . . . . . if they know how to die. A
We must not forget our history, but . . . . . . we must not live there either. We
What happens when everything goes SIDEWAYS? Will my life always be THIS WAY? Why do we believe that what we
“The science tells us.” Oh really?! What do researchers know that the rest of us don’t? Watch our two minute
Brutish and cruel. When authority has a human face. At the Comenius Institute we believe ultimate authority belongs to God
Dictators know their power. Movies can be useful propaganda. I love movies. I’m sure you do too. But we aren’t