A person can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 5 minutes without air . . . .

A person can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 5 minutes without air . . . .
Our wrongdoing . . . . . . is our own doing. And how do we know what is “wrong”?
“Emerge” is our response to “Emergency.” Christians have met emergencies for 2000 years. Why would Christians lead the way
Distance does not mean disconnect. There are other ways to knock on a door. When we can’t see others across
How we tend to our elders . . . says a lot about who we are. Are we committed to
“So bye, bye Miss American Pie . . . Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
His red sweater is in the Smithsonian Institute. Tom Hanks just played his character in a 2019 movie. Any child
Why do I watch the same movies over and over again? We look for characters with this character trait .
Creating community at the check out. How do we create community at the grocery store? Watch our Truth in Two
Navigating the zombie apocalypse . . . . . . or any other demanding situations. How should we respond to