What you believe about human nature . . . . . . may well determine how you vote. If government

What you believe about human nature . . . . . . may well determine how you vote. If government
Real combat . . . . . . is not always a physical battle. The question is “What will you
When you’re in the valley . . . . . . You must look up for the vision. “Taking stock”
Our wrongdoing . . . . . . is our own doing. And how do we know what is “wrong”?
How we tend to our elders . . . says a lot about who we are. Are we committed to
What stopped contagion before the microscope? The same thing we do with a microscope: isolation. “Quarantine” is nothing new. Separating
Today is the day The Father said, “Enough!” [3 minute read] Their killings were retaliations to avenge death. A score
A funeral. A stump. An expectation. “If a man dies, will he live again?” The question has haunted humans
If you see a need . . . . . . Meet a need. Professional athletes are stepping out and
Creation sings . . . to its Creator. Science is catching up. Researchers are discovering what has happened throughout time.