“Pressing flesh” has a whole new meaning. The power of an image fires our memory. How do images ignite what

“Pressing flesh” has a whole new meaning. The power of an image fires our memory. How do images ignite what
The last of the human freedoms. What does surviving Auschwitz and getting out of bed in the morning have
What can we count on? What is most important? Permanent things. Watch, listen to our 2 min video. We can
You never know when God will show up. Ordained, ordered, ordinary creation from The Creator. Watch our two minute video
Rat and Mole are right. We have to have both. Transcendence assures us of Someone outside ourselves. Immanence assures us
My favorite politician is . . . Vaclav Havel, former president of the Czech Republic, because . . . .
Biologists, business people, builders, everyone depends on it. Why we depend on ORDER. Watch our 2 minute video (or read
How does honey get to your table? Bees, Coherence, and the Unity of God’s Creation. Watch our 2 minute video:
“My wife loves whales.” This was the first statement out of my mouth . . . . . . when
Alone. Directionless. Isolated. To be lost in a forest is disorienting. You see everything and nothing. Watch and hear my