The public reading by a child hushed the voices of everyone that day. Find out why Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

The public reading by a child hushed the voices of everyone that day. Find out why Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
There are many uses of “fire” in the Bible. None are more personal. Find out why by watching or reading
What we think is bad . . . . . . may not be so bad. Find out why by
Is it possible to disagree agreeably? Watch our Truth in Two to find out if it is possible (full text
If we are supposed to “Follow the science,” Science says the baby’s body is not the mother’s body. Watch our
When you read futuristic books or watch science fiction movies, ask yourself, “What hope do the writers offer?” Watch our
So you can see the future, huh?! Watch our Truth in Two to find out why we say, “Not so
Labeling people by what you think they fear . . . . . . is nothing more than labeling people.
How does a piece of fruit describe a culture? An orange represents the emptiness of socialism. Watch our Truth in
Everyone should know about Thomas Sowell. No one can properly respond to any idea until they have read Thomas Sowell.