Black Voices

History is the responsibility of every generation.


Every generation needs a voice. Black history is no exception. Black intellectuals, pundits, professors, politicians, writers, and commentators are a distinctive presence in a world that needs to hear their voice. Here is a snapshot of some, representing dozens, scores, hundreds, and thousands whose views are pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-free markets, and pro-American.

Mia-LoveMia Love was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah in 2014. She is challenging the current status quo in Washington with fiscal discipline, limited government, and personal responsibility, encouraging continued economic growth with less government control.

thomas_sowellThomas Sowell is a prolific writer, concerned with free market economics and historical research. Sowell’s concern for American freedom–he is a U.S. Marine veteran–is always coupled with individual responsibility. He is a fellow with the Hoover Institute.

Aalveda-king-piclveda King is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Her pro-life message arises from a Christian commitment. King’s speaking and writing continue to challenge gatekeepers. King is a Christian minister, an ardent supporter of traditional marriage and freedom of speech.

Jjason rileyason Riley–senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal–speaks on issues of immigration, economics, & race. Riley’s latest book Please Stop Helping Us shows how government hurts the black underclass.

walter williamsWalter Williams is Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, a syndicated columnist, an author of ten books, and a U.S. Army veteran.  Williams is an ardent supporter of free speech and free markets while speaking against government welfare programs.

star parker

Star Parker, transitioned “out of the grip of welfare dependency.” Parker is a prolific speaker, writer, and commentator. She is the founder and president of CURE supporting a market based response to poverty.  Her latest book Blind Conceit is a compilation of editorials on racial issues and public policy.


Anthony Bradley is an associate professor at The King’s College in NYC and a research fellow at the Acton Institute writing widely on economic and justice issues. Bradley’s column “Why Do Black Lives Matter?” is founded on God’s image in humans. Liberating Black Theology is Bradley’s latest book.

ben carsonDr. Ben Carson is a potential candidate for U.S. president in 2016. Dr. Carson’s book Gifted Hands was made into a movie. His books America the Beautiful and One Nation have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Dr. Carson is a featured commentator and speaker on a wide variety of social-political issues.

deneed borelli

Deneen Borelli is a regular speaker, writer, and commentator. She is president of The Conservative Review, holding politicians accountable for limited government. Borelli’s investment in Freedom Works is, a platform for black conservatives.

tim scottTim Scott represents South Carolina in the U.S. Senate. Scott knows poverty first hand and believes in economic freedom and high quality education for the nation’s poor. Scott’s life message is to “positively impact a billion lives with the message of hope.”

condolezza rice

Dr. Condoleezza Rice was the first black female Secretary of State in the George W. Bush White House. “Condi” Rice is now professor of political science at Stanford University and senior fellow with the Hoover Institute. Her personal story can be read in Extraordinary, Ordinary People

During Black History Month, may we honor these and other black voices who remind us that remembering our history is the responsibility of each new generation.

Dr. Mark Eckel is Professor of Leadership, Education & Discipleship at Capital Seminary & Graduate School.





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