Mark’s Bio

Dr. Mark Eckel (MA, English; ThM, Old Testament; PhD, Social Science) is President of The Comenius Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and teaches undergrad through doctoral classes for IUPUI, Capital Seminary, and Indianapolis Theological Seminary.

spanish-river-2Spanning four decades, Dr. Eckel has served the education community as a high school teacher, college professor, grad school lecturer, curriculum writer, and international speaker. Dr. Eckel’s responsibilities have included daily instruction, program development, mentoring teachers, and conference speaking on education issues in hundreds of venues. Eckel was awarded Delta Chi Teacher of the Year in 1995 by Cedarville University, The Heart of Leadership Citation by Lenawee Christian School in 2010.

Three of Eckel’s original high school curricula are used around the world. His courses include Let God Be God on the nature of God and Timeless Truth, a defense for the Bible’s reliability. He also consulted with Chuck Colson in 2006 to develop a teenage church curriculum called Rewired. He has created and taught original courses and programs for schools such as Moody Bible Institute. He has published books on faith-learning integration, reflective study, and movies, contributing chapters to other books on education, apologetics, and science fiction.

Some of Eckel’s scholarly journal articles include writings on a Hebrew ideals of education, faculty evaluation in higher education, interdisciplinary studies, failure in writing, how adults learn, the book Frankenstein, the author Stephen Crane, and G. K. Chesterton’s Father Brown mystery stories. Eckel’s most recent published essay is entitled, “The Theological Roots of the Abolitionist Movement.” Essays on neurodiversity and apologetics have been published in 2020. He has written three dozen essays for two encyclopedia sets.

Eckel is a book review editor for Christian Education Journal at Biola University. He maintains weekly content on his own website where over 1000 of his writings, videos, sermons, and podcasts are freely accessed. His weekly video series “Truth in Two” delivers a story-based Christian truth in 120 seconds. He completed a 100,000 word project producing biblical faith-learning interdisciplinary connections over 20 subject areas for international Christian curriculum development. Over four years Dr. Eckel has hosted a weekly radio show bringing in over 200 guests; Christians who are doing good around Indianapolis.

Mark’s wife Robin is a second grade Christian school teacher; between them, Robin and Mark have been teaching for a collective 60 years. They reside in Fishers, Indiana, sharing their gifts with Crossroads Community Church. Mark and Robin have two grown children. Besides family and friends, NFL football, Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee, lacrosse, books, movies, and maple sugar candy, Mark’s four grandchildren bring a smile to his face.

Find Mark on Facebook, Twitter, & Linked In.



  1. Dr. Eckel!

    I was your student at Moody. I took your advice and am continuing my education. I am finishing my first semester in a Masters of Christian Education program.

    I am very excited to have found your blog! There is much to learn from reading your blog. Thank you for teaching me.

    I hope this finds you and your family well.

    God bless!


  2. Found you listed in an Apologetics 315 interview. Wow!

    Pls email me with phone # so we can talk. Best to Robin and the kids.


  3. Mark
    My name is Joe Ruiz I am secondary principal at Calvary Chapel Christinan School in Las Vegas. I heard you speak on Biblical Interfration many years ago at my old school in Galena, Illinois. My administration is making a concerted effort to be more intentional with Biblical Integration. Do you still do speaking engagements. We are looking for training for our faculty and staff
    Joe Ruiz

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