There are two sides to every coin but only one counts. We don’t like making decisions by the flip of
Author: mark
When in suffering, there is a difference between “biding one’s time” and “using one’s time.” What do these names have
Justice must have a standard. Law and order—foundation stones of a just society—cannot exist without a transcendent measure. Christians believe
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Where wisdom and life connect. The campus of IUPUI Over lunch, one of the students in the Comenius discussion gave
Undisciplining Knowledge, Harvey J. Graff (A Review)
Silos. Turfs. Politics. Agendas. Higher education has lived with longstanding metaphors describing educational institutionalization for decades. Any institution can be
The Statue of Liberty teaches two lessons . . . . . . lessons learned again at Thanksgiving. We
There can be no peace without justice. At the beginning of Boondock Saints, two young men are praying in
We owe our freedoms to soldiers who will die to give them to us. Everyone is decked out in some
No one thinks Ned Yost is a “big dope” anymore. Sunday night the Kansas City Royals won the World Series. I do
He was such a happy boy. Until . . . I often delight in the stories my wife Robin tells