Hearing, caring for all points of view, Even if we disagree. Working in a pluralistic culture, many voices need to
Author: mark
The First Testament gives my life formation. Genesis to Malachi is relevant for all times, people, places, & cultures. Why
You want to change a culture? Teach a generation. “Ideas Change People, People Change a Culture” is our Comenius tagline.
Reading changes students. From the inside, out. Transformational learning takes place when students read literature. Watch our Truth in Two
“You have to turn in your lesson plans on Monday for the whole week.” That was the rule, the expectation
A person can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 5 minutes without air . . . .
Our wrongdoing . . . . . . is our own doing. And how do we know what is “wrong”?
Insert your own subjects of study. These comments were sent to all my students in public university as I assessed
“Emerge” is our response to “Emergency.” Christians have met emergencies for 2000 years. Why would Christians lead the way
Distance does not mean disconnect. There are other ways to knock on a door. When we can’t see others across