
They took over.

It happened just yesterday.

A group of Comenius students gathered in the campus center at IUPUI to talk.

Often I am the one to ask questions of students:

“What have you heard in classes lately that challenge your faith? What is the question being discussed on campus this week? How are you preparing for your future vocation through your academic studies?”

This week? I was sidelined.

And, oh, was I pleased!

Students were asking each other important questions:

“In your biology program, how do you interact with evolutionary assumptions?

“What practical ways do you see your work in dentistry helping people in the future?

“How do you see your work in computer engineering being used for The Church?

“What is your strongest support by older Christians in your studies at college?”

“What developed your interest in non-profit administration?

“How will your study in philanthropy utilize your passions?

How will you navigate questions of right & wrong in your pursuit of a law degree?”

“What ethical issues have you encountered in your study of marketing?”

As our time together began to wind down, I stated the obvious:

“What just happened here is why Comenius exists. You knowing that Christians care about you, your studies, and your futures is imperative for The Church in the next generation.

Busy young people retrieved their belongings, off to pressing academic engagements.

But the questions will linger long after they leave.

Dr. Mark Eckel is President of The Comenius Institute (website), spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), hosts a weekly radio program with diverse groups of guests (1 minute video), interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video), and teaches weekly at his church (video). Comenius is one of over 30 Christian study centers around the U.S., a part of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers (website).