
My granddaughter is a mighty girl.


Now before anyone accuses me of hyper-grandstanding-grand-parenting I am getting my information based on a website: A Mighty Girl.

I can hear you laughing now. I’m smiling too.

marilyn-graces-weddingMarilyn does seem beyond her years old. Her intelligence, her acumen is increasing at light-speed. Each time I see her, hear her, watch her, or investigate her latest pondering I shake my head. This girl will go far. She is four going on forty.

But I’m not surprised.

Marilyn stands in a long line of strong, accomplished women. Here are seven.

marilyn-and-isaiahMiriam was Moses’ sister. She demonstrated wisdom, negotiating on behalf of her infant brother before Egypt’s elite. Miriam also liked to dance and sing, leading the celebration of Israel’s victory over the armies of Pharaoh (Ex 2, 15).

marilyn-creation-classNaomi was Ruth’s mother-in-law. She stood strong in the face of insurmountable human odds. Her generosity was divinely repaid in ways no one could foresee. Naomi proves the sovereignty of God comes in ways none of us can anticipate (Ruth).

marilyn-sept-2016-treehouseRuth is famous for being a woman who stood outside the Hebrew family and yet was used by God to preserve the Hebrew family. Ruth’s perseverance, tenacity, work-ethic, and sacrifice was a boon to Naomi, the Hebrews, and all of humankind being in the line of Messiah (Ruth).

marilyn-4-years-oldAbigail stood up to a king and lived to tell about it. Negotiating on behalf of her foolish husband (he was named for his attitude) Abigail charmed David, a man who would later become her husband. Abigail stands for brains and beauty, a navigator of difficult situations (1 Samuel 25).

marilyn-july-2016Deborah, a prophetess, God-saw what seasoned male leadership could not. Tenacity marks Deborah, as it does Jael—whose wily ways will always be associated with warm milk, tent pegs, and a hammer. Deborah is the first in a long line of women whose connection to Heaven made her indispensable on earth (Judges 4-5).

marilyn-march-16Huldah is noteworthy as a scholar, an academician. When no one else could figure out what The Book of The Law meant, Huldah was asked to interpret. Huldah attested to the historicity of Scripture, prophesied about its meaning, and prompted kingly reforms (2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34).

marilyn-sept-2016Esther found herself in a place she did not anticipate, to which she did not aspire. In the middle of powerful men, Esther’s allure and craftiness won the day. She saved the day and the future of the Hebrews. She listened, learned, and acted when no one else could (Esther).

marilyn-w-c-and-isaiah-sept-2016Marilyn also stands in a long line of accomplished, strong women: Gramma Ginny, Gramma Kahle, Grammy, RLee, Aunt Jan, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Grace, and her mother, Chelsea.

Go to the A Mighty Girl website. Celebrate the history of strong women who blazed the trail for strong female leadership we see today.

My granddaughter is not perfect, nor are any of the women mentioned above.

Her might does not proceed from her gender but from her God, The Mighty One has blessed us with mighty girls.

Mark is thankful for his mother-in-law Lela, wife Robin, his mom Ginny, his sister Jan, and his daughter Chelsea, each one, a mighty woman. Dr. Mark Eckel is president of The Comenius Institute.

One comment

  1. Mighty Marilyn will do well, she has the background and such love of family, thanks for doing such a nice writing on Marilyn,

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