Will you be the answer to the question?
A new year encourages a new approach.
Watch our two minute video (full text follows).
Our answers should be seen in how we live.
Consider becoming a Comenius patron (here). Subscribe to “Truth in Two” videos from Comenius (here). Mark is President of The Comenius Institute (website). Dr. Eckel spends time with Christian young people in public university (1 minute video), hosts a weekly radio program with diverse groups of guests (1 minute video), and interprets culture from a Christian vantage point (1 minute video).
Picture Credit: Snappy Goat
In 2019, I would like to suggest five questions for us all to consider:
1. Will I accentuate the positive, over the negative?
2. Will I listen to others, outside my ‘group’?
3. Will I encourage others with my words?
4. Will I find ways to help those who cannot help themselves?
5. Will I sacrifice my time, talent, treasure on behalf of the public good?
Number One. Accentuating the positive: No, I’m not suggesting we should stop calling others account or even voicing disagreement. Untruth and injustice are ever present. What I would encourage is a shift in approach: acknowledge our disagreements and search for commonality.
Number Two. Listening to others: No, I’m not advocating anyone leave their ‘group’. Everyone needs community. What I am advocating is hearing others who hold different positions than my own. In my academic settings, for instance, all professors no matter their beliefs, should be reading those with whom they agree and disagree.
Number Three. Encouraging words: Yes, I am calling for a moratorium on our hateful words toward each other. Leave behind incendiary terms. Reject combative language. Commend the good of opponents. Hoist a common flag. Rejoice when others are helped.
Number Four. Helping the helpless: Yes, I am prompting everyone to put their money where their mouth is. If you see a need meet it, especially if it helps someone with whom you disagree.
Number Five. Sacrificing for the good: Yes, I am expecting Christians to practice the life of Jesus. Care for the sick. Feed the hungry. Visit the prisoner. House the homeless. Declare the gospel.
At the Comenius Institute we are asking five questions in our approach to 2019. But there is one more question to consider, “Will my life be the answer to the questions I ask?”
For Truth in Two, this is Dr. Mark Eckel, President of the Comenius Institute, personally seeking Truth wherever it’s found.