Knowledge is not created. Knowledge is discovered. In The Island of Lost Maps Miles Harvey asks “why the sense of
Month: August 2009
Halogen Headlight
The 300. Spartans. Thermopylae. For those who know anything of Western history the Grecian battle against the Persian hordes is
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. A father was walking his dog while his little boy tried to keep
Intellectuals in Love
The story is told by Charles Hodge, famous 19th century theologian, of the most popular professor at Princeton in his
Inquisition: The Reign of Fear (Green)
Human beings, no matter their belief, will use their power making others cower. The Spanish Inquisition is one of innumerable
Once a year, like clockwork, some student in a new class would utter the infamous, vacuous, student complaint against school

“Useless eaters.” Nazis coined the phrase for mentally ill patients. Indeed, the first people to die in the Holocaust were