
Why I Write, Blog to Book


Responses to Keith Ogorek Interview, VP of Westbow Press


What inspired you to start writing your blog? 

Compulsion. I was induced and coerced into putting pen to paper. As a Christian I know that being compelled to write comes from The Spirit of God who lives in me. In our culture, the natural means for writing is what has come to be known as “blogging.” I was inspired from the inside to write, inspired from the outside to blog.

What have you found most enjoyable about maintaining a blog?

Everything. I enjoy all of life and revel in the whole of the world. The title for someone like me in a university setting is “interdisciplinarian.” I believe everything crisscrosses everything else creating a unity we know is there but cannot see. A blog allows me to explore everything I read, see, hear, and do. Enthusiasm about knowledge and excitement about sharing what I have discovered with others brings a smile to my face.

What made you decide to turn your blog into a book?

Credibility. The immediacy of blogging is clear: information floods our world so we can access the data instantaneously. A book has the power of physical, visible influence. Rightly or wrongly, people gauge some authority based on what a person can show they have accomplished. As an academic I wanted to have three books available for people that would demonstrate my ability in reflective study, movie review, and teaching-learning.

Why was it important to have your content as a book and not just as a blog?

Credentialing. As a teacher for over 30 years I have had to document the outcomes of my craft. As an author, I now have a record for others to assess. By writing a book I am holding myself accountable to others who can now critique my work as an academic. But I am also answering questions that everyone ponders in one way or another. A book says to people, “You cared enough to organize your thoughts about a subject so that we could read them in one whole book.”

What advice would you give someone who wants to start a blog?

Write. Just write. Don’t wait, write. Write when you want to, write when you don’t want to. Write now, write then. Set up a time that is best for you to write, but then, write. For me, I have the most creative energy in the morning. I normally wake up by 4 a.m. or before. I stay away from email and internet. I read at least 40 to 50 pages of periodicals or books. I take notes. I write while I’m reading and note-taking. But my counsel is always the same: write, write, write.

What advice would you give someone who wants to turn his or her blog into a book?

Plan. A book is very different than a blog. If you read my website (www.warpandwoof.org) you will see I write about a lot of different subjects. But when I’m planning to create a book I have to ask myself my purpose for my subject. For instance, when I was writing my current book When the Lights Go Down: Movie Review as Christian Practice (Westbow, September, 2014 release) I wrote weekly for six months toward the book. My plan about writing a book about movies was first generated through my blog.

What has been most surprising to you once you published your book? 

Energy. I Just Need Time to Think: Reflective Study as Christian Practice (Westbow, 2014) gave me vigor to write again. I did not expect to want to put another book together immediately but I was energized to do When the Lights Go Down and am now planning the third in the series Education is Ownership: Teaching-Learning as Christian Practice (working title, forthcoming). Instead of being tired of writing, I want to write more!

Anything else you would want to tell readers?

Read. If you don’t read you won’t write. You can read a tablet, laptop, or hold the spine of a book in your hand—but read. Read everything you can get your hands on about your passion. Read people who disagree with you. Read authors you don’t know. Read to learn more and understand by reading, how much more you don’t know. Reading should be a humbling experience. We should remember we are fallen, finite creatures. Our own natures should remind us we are in a need of outside salvation. As a Christian, I believe eternal life which brings new life to this life is only possible through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. You know how I know that? I read it. Someone wrote so I could read. Now I want to tell people about what I read. If I want to write, I have to read.

Dr. Mark Eckel (meckel@lbc.edu) is Professor of Leadership, Education, and Discipleship for Capital Seminary & Graduate School.  Indianapolis, Indiana is his home. For over 30 years Mark has served the Christian education community as a high school teacher, college professor, curriculum writer and international speaker. Mark’s responsibilities have included daily instruction, curriculum development, mentoring teachers, and conference speaking on Christian education issues in hundreds of venues. Dr. Eckel has written books, published curricula, peer-reviewed journal articles, periodical essays, book and movie reviews, as well as his weekly blog Warp and Woof.


  1. I was most intrigued by your comments to the question about someone that wants to start a blog. I find that even having a blog doesn’t mean you are operating in the discipline to produce 🙁 I am currently in that GROUP…ARGHH. Challenging. I will have to get better at that (self confessions made public suck!!) 🙂

  2. Dr Eckel,

    Thanks for tagging me on this, and connecting me to FB, which I just can’t seem to harness as a vehicle for my reading. As one who has recently come to love reading and writing I am encouraged and exhorted to do more of both! Being a “muller” I enjoy reading, then reveling in the selah, before writing. As you know for me, writing is very visual, an amorphic dance between the written word and sketch. My Bible and most enjoyed books are riddled with notes in the margin, doodles to illustrate my point of understanding. My prayers are the same; my heart poured out in a visual sacrifice at His feet.

    Thank you for teaching me about the Reflective Study as Christian Practice which calls me deeper into both reading and writing, and thank you for intervening and drawing me into writing for enjoyment today.

    Blessings on your continued reading & writing.

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